For the first time ever, Storyfest took its writers’ festival to three different regional locations this year. Taking children’s literacy programmes into rural areas has become the organisation’s mission since first taking Storyfest Out West in 2022. However, Storyfest’s mission wouldn’t be possible without its many generous supporters, donors, and partners. We sat down with Ewan Mitchell, CEO at GeoGlide Australia, to talk about his involvement with the organisation. 

Ewan Mitchell, a native of Glasgow, now calls Brisbane home. His journey has taken him from the oil rigs of the North Sea to leading an innovative company in Australia. With a degree in Electronic Engineering from Aberdeen University, Ewan worked offshore in various countries before settling into an office role in Aberdeen. In 2012, he and his wife, Elaine, moved to Brisbane. While Elaine focuses on carbon capture and soil carbon science, Ewan leads GeoGlide, a company specialising in advanced drilling technology.

GeoGlide offers highly advanced electronic and mechanical drilling tools, enabling precision drilling that minimises surface disruption while maximising target exposure. Ewan describes their technology as being able to “allow wells and holes to be drilled with pinpoint accuracy to predetermined targets, often many kilometres from the surface location to minimise disruption to local land owners.”

From electronic engineer to literature supporter

Books have always held a special place in Ewan's life. He recalls fond memories of camping holidays with family, where his dad would read books to Ewan and his brother, weaving them into the stories as characters. Such moments helped nurture his love for literature. However, there were times when reading took a backseat, especially during his teenage years. Reading was rekindled while working offshore, where “there wasn’t much internet back then!” Yet, he found solace in crime novels, many of which left a lasting impression on him.

As a father to Ben and Emily, Ewan has again reconnected with his passion for reading through storytelling. “I’ve loved reading some of these same books to my kids as they’ve grown up.”

GeoGlide’s partnership with Storyfest

Ewan's connection to Storyfest began through his colleague Alex Woodthorpe, who serves on both the Storyfest board and GeoGlide's. While the partnership is primarily financial, Ewan emphasises the importance of participation. Especially after having attended the Storyfest Out West festival himself!

Like us, he also believes that it is essential for organisations like Storyfest to venture into rural areas. “It’s so important to give people opportunities that they may not ordinarily get,” he explains, advocating for access to resources that can expand young minds. 

The personal impact of Storyfest

A particularly memorable moment at the festival was when his son, who had been a reluctant reader, was captivated by author Nat Amoore's dynamic presentation. “He sat intently as Nat inspired everyone. The second she finished, he sprinted to the book stall outside and demanded we buy all her books,” Ewan shares. This experience transformed his son’s attitude toward reading – and he wasn’t the only one. Ewan says that “it was good to see school leaders being pressured by their kids to get more and newer books. Festivals like Storyfest aim to foster this hunger for reading and learning more, whether that’s on the Gold Coast or further afield.

Storyfest and GeoGlide

Looking ahead, Ewan hopes for further collaboration between GeoGlide and Storyfest, with wishes to reach more rural towns. “It’s important for industry to work with locals and to give back and support them,” he says. He believes that many companies make “token efforts” without real impact, but he sees Storyfest as a genuine grassroots initiative that can create lasting change.

Ewan Mitchell’s journey from the oil fields to advocating for literacy exemplifies a commitment to both professional excellence and community enrichment. Through GeoGlide's partnership with Storyfest, he aims to foster a love for reading that transcends geographical boundaries, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to explore the world through books. “This charity feels like it does some genuine grassroots good,” he concludes, reaffirming the importance of Storyfest’s mission. We can only agree!

To find out more about GeoGlide, click here!